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Secretary General

Maziar whom you may call Maz, is someone who is very passionate and active in communicational skills. He endlessly cares about the communities that he is involved in and the people around him. One of his aspirations is to provide more health and educational resources for children and youth as he believes in their greatness and how they truly are the future making people. Maz always enjoys Model UN tournaments because he likes politics, and is enthusiastic about collaborating with other people to solve the chaotic problems that exist in the world. He is a history and philosophy nerd. What an interesting guy to be around!

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Director of Policy

An avid debater, chances are if you go up against him you wouldn't try doing so a second time; dedication is what defines him, give him a task and he won't stop until he completes it. With Hyder on the secretariat you can be certain of an amazing experience!

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Director of Delegate Affairs

Teodora is an outgoing person, who is always open to new opportunities that help her discover herself and evolve as a person. She enjoys being involved in new projects which aim to help others in a way or another. She is passionate about psychology (she would spend hours reading up about the way the mind works) and learning foreign languages (English, German, Spanish, Italian and still counting). A way of winding down for her is to read about fashion history and to create outfits that express her personality. Teodora is happy to make new friends and she is looking forward to virtually meeting you all in this MUN.



Chief of Staff

This is Easty, a 17 year old former student at Harry Ainlay High School, and a prospective student at the University of Waterloo. Since the beginning of quarantine, his days have been quite monotonous and repetitive, and now that there isn't any school work left, his days have been filled with anime and games. In order to make his experience in quarantine feel more productive during the summer, he has decided to become the chief of staff of MUN in SKY.



Director of Public Relations

This is Christina Mai, our Director of Public Relations at MIS! Seeing that this conference is finally ‘taking off’, she is excited to contribute to the promotion of this MUN. She has a deep interest in advocating and academic research. It brings her deep joy to bring out the best in those around her. Lastly, she wishes to encourage delegates of all skill levels to participate, as there will be many interesting committees and topics up for discussion.

Our Team: Team Members
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